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Creating a life you love is about responding differently to life situations.

Let's make this happen together.

Exploring yourself allows you to move through life differently.

Are You Experiencing?

Self-sabotaging behaviors
Outbursts of anger
Overwhelm, stuck-ness, or anxiety
Negative patterns
Lack of self-worth or self-confidence
Limiting beliefs

What if there was a simple way to change your experience and create a life you love?

If you are tired of the way your life keeps playing out, it's time to revitalize by addressing underlying blocks that unconsciously drive how you respond.

Your Three Step Solution

Let's Work Together to explore a new approach to living life!

When you are ready to...

  • Take responsibility and accountability to create a better life for yourself
  • Build a new relationship with food and create a healthier body
  • Determine what lifestyle changes can feel your best
  • Understand what contributes to the aches, pains, and symptoms in your body
  • Make space for nurturing your body and grant yourself permission for self-care
  • Break up with the patterns stopping you from living your best life
  • Discover how emotional responses could be limiting your health
  • Bust the myth about age limiting your ability to regain your health
  • Make yourself a priority, give yourself focused-attention, and start living your best life

How you ask?  Through a simple, non-invasive technique called “Tapping”!

What is Tapping?

Tapping is a non-invasive treatment for physical pain and emotional stress. Tapping is used to create energetic balance in your body and to disrupt negative emotions or stored pain. Tapping is similar to the premise of acupuncture without the needles. Acupuncture and Tapping both train the body’s energy to travel specific pathways. However, tapping allows us to stimulate and improve your energetic flow without the use of needles.  We stimulate instead by lightly tapping specific meridian points to create the desired outcome. And, tapping is something you can learn to do for yourself at home or on the go.

Tapping give you the ability to restore your energetic balance and eliminate symptoms that are caused by negative past experiences or emotions. Pretty cool right? 

Tapping Benefits and Features

Don't Just Take My Word For It.

Meet Peg!

Tapping helped me get over my struggle with food. It revealed beliefs that motivated me to eat (or overeat) and opened a choice for me to change.
Tapping reveals beliefs at the heart of problems. Whether it’s a problem with food or other substance, a relationship, or current event. Awareness is the first step to re-write beliefs that drive behaviors. Only then can you rewire a new response. 
Clients are amazed how Tapping changes their outlook on life!

It is my passion to help others change beliefs that are keeping them from living their best lives.