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After decades of dieting, I found the sweet spot to keep the weight off for good!


I can teach you how to build a new relationship to food.

Actually, it’s easier than you might think…

You see, stored emotions link to the foods that keep us losing and regaining over and over again.

Sounds crazy, right? But you’ll see how powerful it is…

I battled my weight and emotional eating for decades – actually a lifetime…

Ever since I was young, I struggled with my weight and now I know I used eating to manage/push down my emotions.

I know what it’s like to be stuck shopping the “chubbie girls” sizes in the old Montgomery Ward or JC Penney catalogs.

It was rare to find clothes in the local stores my size. Cute clothes were not offered in my elusive size 14 ½ and I was only 11 years old and felt that something was wrong with me.

I felt overwhelmed counting calories for everything I put in my mouth. Or the shame in family members monitoring what I ate. The temptation of my mom’s bake goods, always available, proved to be my downfall again and again.

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I’ve tried it all over the years….

  • Diet pills like Dexatrim,
  • Stillman diet,
  • Doctor supervised weight loss programs
  • Counting and restricting calories
  • Atkins
  • Fitness classes
  • Other fad diets – too many to list
  • Weight Watchers (again and again)

There should be a prize in Weight Watchers for those that sign up again and again — I’d have won it hands down!

How could other friends maintain a “normal” weight? What was wrong with me? When all the diets didn’t work, I replaced food cravings and emotional eating with smoking.

By the time I was in college, I was a 3-pack a day smoker. It was a different crutch to manage my food cravings and emotional eating. When I quit smoking cold-turkey it ushered in the eating frenzy once again.

I don’t remember a time that my weight wasn’t an issue for me.

Shopping was a nightmare! Once I found something that fit, I bought several in many colors. It to cut down the number of times I’d have to face myself with disgust in the mirror of a dressing room.

I topped off at 3X in extended sizes (the new Chubbie Girls for adults).

My health was a wreck – I wasn’t on any medications but I was likely headed for Type 2 diabetes.

My joints ached whether I was sitting, standing or walking – so pretty much all the time. Hours after every meal, my stomach was in pain. I thought about food 24/7 but I wasn’t making any progress in getting healthier or happier.

I wondered what my future would be like – would I even be around to see my grandchildren and make memories with them?

Then at 60, I found SHAPE ReClaimed. It focused on anti-inflammatory foods and lifestyle modifications. It promised shedding excess weight as a by-product of eating right. Something resonated with me and feeling at my wits end, I jumped in feet first for one more attempt at a healthy life.

It was fricken amazing! I learned so much about what I was eating that kept the weight on and encouraged inflammation in my body. I eliminated foods and felt relief in my joints, digestion, and mood. The weight vanished!

In a year I lost 100# and 100 inches. I weighed less than I did in high school! I was ecstatic to be at the weight I abhored back then.

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I cleared my closet of ALL my large size clothes because I knew I was NEVER going back. I finally found the way that would keep those pounds at bay for good.

In the first month I knew I wanted to bring this approach to help others change their relationship to food. I planned to use it the basis to start a wellness coaching business as I neared retirement. I was a walking billboard for what was possible!

Until the lifestyle stopped working….

I truth what was rearing its ugly head was my emotional eating to deal with life circumstances…again

I started eating to deal with my job elimination and forced retirement. I ate to deal with the stress from the global pandemic and lockdowns, and the weight started to creep back on.

I needed to buy a larger size, and then another. It was so familiar. So defeating…

Then I got an email sharing a way to end food cravings and emotional eating.

WHAT???? Could this be the key I’d been missing all along?

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I was familiar with the power of tapping meridian points. It had helped me relieve stress in the past. But the thought of healing all the emotions behind my food issues is what drew me in.

I signed up for 6-week program to learn more about this specific approach to tapping. I learned cravings link with positive memories of eating that food with someone you love.

It wasn’t about willpower at all!!

And emotional eating triggers memories of a stressful time. Sometimes they are from an early age when we didn’t know how to cope with the stress.

All these years I’d joke that food would “call to me from the cupboard. Well not anymore!

I can have those tempting foods in the house now because I’ve uncoupled the emotional connection to them. Now they are foods I can choose to eat rather than being in a trance with them.

I’ve come to understand with tapping it’s SO MUCH MORE THAN THE FOOD!

Food is the entry way into exploring how our unconscious RUNS OUR LIVES!

All these years I was trying to reason things out and change my behaviors with my CONSCIOUS mind. With a belief that if my willpower was stronger, success would be mine!

Now I understand that it’s the UNCONSCIOUS that runs the show. Tapping allows you to follow a thread back to process emotions around events and people once and for all. It actually rewires your nervous system!

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That wasn’t all. My clients are finding changes in other areas of their life they were not expecting.

  • They were more patient and tolerant with their spouse and children.
  • ​They found a new lightness about themselves and were humming as they went about their day.
  • ​They started to see food in a different way and started to love how they felt.

I believed I would struggle with weight my whole life and food would continue to have control over me.

Tapping was the gateway to a better version of myself who no longer believed those things.

I knew I had to share what I learned with every middle-aged woman who had given up on themselves…

I’m honored to be a coach to other middle-aged women who have given up the dream of being a healthy weight

My passion is helping middle-aged women change the mental imprints that drive their relationship with food.

I can help you restore your health and change the mental imprints that make up your relationship to food.

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This is my one-two punch to start listening to what your body is telling you.

I can show you how to re-write your story around food once and for all, and find the healthy fit woman living inside you.

To be honest, you can learn these techniques and apply them on your own. The beauty of working with a coach is they act as your guide, freeing you to dive deep into your own healing.

If this resonates with you, I’d encourage you to apply to work with me.

Here Is What I Do:

I work with clients 1 on 1 to:

  • Uncover Weight Loss Blockers: these sabotage your weight loss efforts again and again
  • Eliminate Food Cravings: uncover the reasons you crave the foods you do — its not at all what you think
  • ​Put a STOP to Emotional Eating: understand what drives your out of control eating
  • ​Shed Toxic Weight: lose excess weight quickly, while tapping will help keep it off for good!

I want to work with you, if you are:

  • Willing to try a different approach
  • ​Dedicated to spending time healing your relationship to food
  • ​Open to be vulnerable and dig deeper to what is motivating your food choices

I’m not the right coach for you, if you are”

  • Still waiting for that “magic pill” to do it for you
  • ​Hanging on to all the excuses why you can’t lose weight
  • ​Afraid to talk about your emotions

If you are ready to explore an approach to lose the weight and keep it off for good, click the apply button below.

My team will review your application and reach out to you.

Then you and I will get on the phone and have a conversation about your particular case.  I’ll even do some tapping with you over the phone so you have a REAL experience and know the wonder for yourself!

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