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Tapping Benefits

Reduces stress and anxiety – Energy circulates through your body along a specific network of channels. You can tap into this energy at points along the way. The body sends signals to the part of the brain that controls stress.

Rebalances emotions – The basic technique requires you to focus on the negative emotion at hand. It could be an unresolved problem or conflict with another person. Whatever brings up a negative emotion or feeling, tapping helps turn it around.

Changes limiting beliefs –Tapping rewires how you look at life. It has the capability to shift how you respond. Many of these beliefs no longer serve you, they are leftovers from when you were young.

Lower cortisol – Cortisol is one of the primary stress hormones. Studies show tapping lowers it.

Short-circuit emotional triggers – Tapping digs under what sets us off in the present. Often it’s something from our childhood. The feelings it brings up are the same even if the situation is different. Tapping allows us to uncouple the feeling from our response.

End self-sabotaging beliefs– that drive your behavior. As children we store beliefs we get from parents or other caregivers. These unquestioned beliefs drive our behavior as adults. Tapping brings our beliefs to light so we can change them to something more useful.

Shifts energy towards the positive – when you know better, you do better. Looking under your responses puts you at choice for how to respond in the future.

Better emotional health – Tapping reduces so many uncomfortable emotions which can have a tremendously positive impact on emotional health.

Experience these benefits and more with Tapping.

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