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Tapping FAQ's

How Do I Get Started?  The first step is to schedule a free 30-minute introductory call.

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How Much Does it Cost to Work with a Tapping Coach?

The program is affordable and customized to your unique needs.  Schedule a time to discuss your goals and get your questions answered.

Are there any side effects or precautions I should know about tapping?

It’s safe for almost anyone to try tapping. There are no known side effects or risks of acupressure or EFT tapping. You need to be open to exploring your emotions and feelings – we provide a safe, non-judgmental space for you to do just that!

Why does it help to work with a tapping coach?

A coach guides you step-by-step through the tapping session. This allows you to focus on the thoughts, feelings and emotions that come up for you. As you get comfortable with the process you may feel ready to do it on your own.

Are their negative side effects from Tapping?

Sometimes you can experience a negative reaction with tapping. It can be emotional such as anger or sadness. Once the immediate symptoms release, you find a different way to respond to the situation.

Will my memories go away with Tapping?

No, your memories will not go away. Those things still happened to you. What often changes is the way people think and feel about those memories. It can be satisfying to remember a person or an event without the pain.

Depending upon the memory, you may forget there was ever a problem. Important memories stay intact.

What if I don't want to explore an emotion or memory?

No problem, you are in charge of what is addressed in your session. Childhood memories very often surface, and you decide if and when you are willing to explore them. The outcome of EFT is how you can live your best life.

What if I'm not sure Tapping will work for me?

The important thing is that you approach it with a sense of curiosity and decide for yourself if it works or not. It can work even if you think tapping is crazy.
Are you worried about reliving painful memories? There is no need to re-traumatize yourself. We use many techniques to work around difficult stories and painful memories. If necessary, you are led through the process without the need to share anything at all. Although it is helpful to know a little bit about the issue and the impact it has on your life.

How many sessions will I need to see results?

You may notice immediate relief from your first tapping session! We often recommend starting with a 6-session package.
Think of any problem as the layers of the onion. You peel one layer to uncover another related to the same issue or a different problem.
Six sessions will show you the shift you can create in your life!
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Medical Disclaimer: This information is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment. Medical conditions require medical care.

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