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Tapping: How It Works

If you’re ready to explore your emotions and feelings, you have come to the right place.

Tapping is also known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). It uses concepts underlying acupuncture and accupressure.

  1. Fingertip Taps. Fingertip taps are used in a sequence on the upper torso to activate meridians in the body.  Tapping brings emotions to the surface to be acknowledged and released.  Tapping can help you process stored emotions that cause you to react instead of respond to situations.
  2. Rewire your Brain – new neural pathways are created that lead to change.
  3. Gets stuck energy flowing again. We will customize your tapping session to meet your unique needs to get stuck energy flowing again.
  4. Can be self-applied or guided by a coach! We know how hard it can be to see your own blind spots. Initially working with a coach as a guide can help. Over time, you can use tapping to address life as it happens!

We are here for you every step of the way. Whether you decide to do Tapping to improve your relationships, reduce stress or anxiety, learn to “respond” vs. “react”, or just because you’re ready to change your life, we know Tapping will get you where you want to go. It’s simple, safe, and has thousands of success stories!

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